
Top 10 Upcoming Games of 2017 (First Half)

1- Resident Evil 7  Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One Release Date: 24 January 2017 2- Mass Effect: Andromeda  Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One Release Date: 21 March 2017 3- Persona 5  Platform: PS3 PS4 Release Date: 4 April 2017 4- Horizon Zero  Release Date: 28 February 2017 5- For Honor Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One Release Date: 14 February 2017 6- Ghost Recon Wildlands  Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One Release Date: 7 March 2017 7- Halo Wars 2  Platform: PC Xbox One Release Date: 21 February 2017 8- Yooka Laylee Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One Release Date: 11 April 2017 9- Gravity Rush 2 Platform: PS4 Release Date: 20 January 2017 10: Sniper Elite 4 Platform: PC PS4 Xbox One Release Date: 14 February 2017 Bonus: Nier Automata Platform: PS4 7 March 2017 Release Date: PC TBA 2017  Ni-Oh Platform: PS4 Release Date: 7 February 2017 Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter Prologue Platform: PS4 Release Date: 24 January 2017

Facebook Live attack: 'It's sickening

Four people have been arrested in the US city of Chicago over a video live-streamed on Facebook, in which a bound and gagged man was assaulted. Chicago police have described the video as a "sickening" possible hate crime.

Eagle-cam reveals incredible POV as it descends from Burj Khalifa

The eagle has landed! And what a journey it was. Watch as Darshan soars above the Dubai sky, capturing stunning views of the world beneath his wings. This Imperial Eagle has broken a world record by flying from the top of the world's tallest building, the Burj Khalifa It was set up by conservation group Freedom Conservation, in order to raise awareness of the plight of the endangered bird of prey. Eagle-cam foogtage courtesy of Freedom Conservation.

Surfer Mason Ho is the Prince of the North Shore

What more is there that can be said about Mason Ho that you don't know already know? Ho grew up at Sunset Beach as North Shore royalty; his dad Mike is still the man at Pipe, his uncle Derek was Hawaii's first ever world champ, and his sister Coco is a mainstay on the women's world tour. Ho's the guy who once said, "I don't lose heats, I just occasionally run out of time," and coined Red Bull Surfing's Instagram ethos of surfing loud and talking soft in a Made In Hawaii episode we dedicated to surfing's ambassador of fun. What more is there that can be said about Mason Ho that you don't know already know? Ho grew up at Sunset Beach as North Shore royalty; his dad Mike is still the man at Pipe, his uncle Derek was Hawaii's first ever world champ, and his sister Coco is a mainstay on the women's world tour. Ho's the guy who once said, "I don't lose heats, I just occasionally run out of time," and coined ...

Amazing Videos


top 10 amzing science tricks by using Liqued


The Fastest Way To Peel Anything In The Kitchen

#1  Orange Slice the ends off then once down the middle and you got yourself an opened up orange (or lime or lemon or grapefruit or any citrus) Check-out-full  to see  HD  Video #2  Garlic Put the whole garlic in two bowls then do as Taylor Swift would do and swiftly shake it [up}. check-out-full  to see HD  Video #3  Banana Don't peel from the stem ye goofus, peel from the bottom of the banana like this hunk right here. For your health. Check-out-full  to see  HD  Video #4  Avacado Slice one around the center, then quarters then twist. Boom. check-out-full  to see  HD  Video #5  Potato Slice around the circumference of a raw potato, boil, then easily pull the skins off. Now you won't waste anything by peeling like you grandpappy did in the war. check-out-full  to see  HD  Video #6  Apple A drill and a peeler make thi...